Language & Literature

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Lewis Carroll meets Edward Lear

3:00pm | Wednesday 20 March 2013
£12 - £--1 Hour{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}Lewis Carroll meets Edward Lear{/related_entries}
About this Event:

Two famous purveyors of ‘nonsense’, Lewis Carroll and Edward Lear did not meet each other but this delightful production imagines what would have happened if they had. Carroll was the Oxford academic, a cleric, mathematician, photographer and artist who imagined the crazy world of Alice in Wonderland. Lear, meanwhile, who earned a difficult living as an artist and illustrator, will be forever known for his nonsense poetry and prose.

Lewis Carroll meets Edward Lear was compiled by Antony Horder and is presented by Dear Conjunction, the English-speaking theatre of Paris, in association with Demifrogs Limited, and directed by Les Clack. Carroll and Lear quote and mutually enjoy their respective works in nonsense and make a few biographical comments about each other. The rehearsed readings are given by Patricia Kessler, Martin Vaughan Lewis and Horder.

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