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Saturday 29 March 2014

1 Hour


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}Friendship{/related_entries}


£11 - £25

Ticket price

Leading philosopher Professor A C Grayling examines the nature of friendship and the significance it plays in our lives. Grayling examines the rich traditions of friendship in literature, culture, art and philosophy, lays out the major philosophical interpretations of friendship, and offers his own personal view of friendship based on his own experience. He looks at internet-based friendship, modern mixed-gender friendship, how friendships may supersede family relationships and at the universal value of friendship.

Grayling is founder and master of New College of the Humanities, London. He has written and edited more than 30 books on philosophy and other subjects including The God Argument and Liberty in the Age of Terror. He is a regular contributor to radio and television including on Today and Newsnight, and is a vice-president of the British Humanist Association and a patron of Dignity in Dying.

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