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The Voyage of the Golden Handshake

Saturday 28 March 2015

1 Hour


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}The Voyage of the Golden Handshake{/related_entries}



Ticket price

Former advisor to the Archbishop of Canterbury and Middle East hostage Terry Waite talks about his first venture into fiction, The Voyage of the Golden Handshake.  Waite has experienced an eventful life, including spending 1,763 days in captivity in the Lebanon after being taken hostage in 1987 while attempting to negotiate the release of others. The Voyage of the Golden Handshake is a comic novel that follows retired shopworker Albert Hardcastle and retired Admiral Sir Benbow Harrington as they head off on The Golden Handshake’s maiden cruise.

Waite worked for the Anglican church in East Africa before becoming an advisor to the Archbishop of Canterbury. He is founder and chairman of Hostage, a charity supporting hostages and their families, and is also author of Taken on Trust, Footfalls in Memory and Travels With a Primate.