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John Thomson’s Illustrations of China and its People – A Masterclass

Saturday 1 April 2017

45 Minutes


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}John Thomson’s Illustrations of China and its People – A Masterclass{/related_entries}



Ticket price

Bodley’s Librarian Richard Ovenden, an expert on the pioneering photographer and traveller John Thomson, and Financial Times columnist and Hong Kong businessman Sir David Tang give a masterclass on Thomson’s work in China.

Thomson was one of the first photographers to travel to the Far East, and his work capturing the people and landscapes in the 19th century helped to lay the foundations for photojournalism. Thomson travelled extensively in China between 1868 and 1872, often visiting remote areas. His photographic subjects varied from street people to princes.

Numbers are limited for this intimate session and there will be a chance to ask questions.

Ovenden is the head of the Bodleian Libraries and formerly its keeper of special collections. He is author of a major study of John Thomson and his work. Tang is a Hong Kong businessman and founder of a number of companies including the Shanghai Tang fashion house and Pacific Cigar Company.

This event lasts 45 minutes. Ticketholders will be met in Blackwell Hall, the main open area on the ground floor of the Weston Library, and escorted to the event.