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A Fabulous Liar and The Taste of Apple Seeds

5:00pm | Saturday 23 March 2013
£11 - £1 Hour{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}A Fabulous Liar and The Taste of Apple Seeds{/related_entries}
About this Event:

Two German authors discuss the tradition of family sagas and the dark secrets hidden between generations. Both Susan Pasztor and Katharina Hagena have debut novels that explore the dark secrets hidden in family histories.

Pasztor has worked as a freelance journalist, author, copywriter and translator. Her first novel, A Fabulous Liar, finds the children of Holocaust survivor Joschi Molnar marking what would have been his 100th birthday 30 years after his death. They remember the man none of them really knew, and the reunion leads to tall tales, fights, confessions and laughter.

Hagena has lectured at Trinity College, Dublin, and the University of Hamburg and written on James Joyce. Her debut novel, The Taste of Apple Seeds, follows Iris, who inherits her grandmother’s home along with her family’s darkest secrets.