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Histories of Nations: How Their Identities were Forged

11:00am | Tuesday 19 March 2013
£11 - £--1 Hour{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}Histories of Nations: How Their Identities were Forged{/related_entries}
About this Event:

How do nations define themselves? Dr Peter Furtado brings together 28 self-portraits of nations written by leading native historians. Each one attempts to define the characteristics that embody its sense of nationhood. The countries, large and small, have been selected to represent every continent and every type of state. They range from mature democracies to religious autocracies and one-party states.

Furtado is a journalist, author and historian. He was editor of the international monthly magazine, History Today, between 1998 and 2008. His other works include editing the Atlas of World History and 1001 Days That Shaped the World.

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