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Churchill’s First War: Young Winston and the Fight Against the Taliban

9:00am | Wednesday 20 March 2013
£11 - £--1 Hour{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}Churchill’s First War: Young Winston and the Fight Against the Taliban{/related_entries}
About this Event:

Journalist and author Con Coughlin finds startling parallels with today in Winston Churchill’s first military campaign in Afghanistan of the 1890s. Churchill, at that time a cavalry lieutenant, wrote a vivid account of his experiences fighting Pashtun tribesmen – the great-great-grandfathers of today’s insurgents – on the North West Frontier. Coughlin gives an insight into 19th-century military history but also throws light on a modern conflict that has lasted longer than the Second World War.

Coughlin is defence and security editor of the Daily Telegraph and author of the bestselling Saddam: the Secret Life.

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