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Introduced by {related_entries id="evnt_chair"} {/related_entries}

How Good We Can Be: Ending the Mercenary Society and Building a Great Country

Saturday 21 March 2015

1 Hour


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}How Good We Can Be: Ending the Mercenary Society and Building a Great Country{/related_entries}


£12 - £25

Ticket price

Former Observer editor and one of the UK’s best-known journalists and economic commentators Will Hutton examines the state of Britain today and looks forward to a Britain of tomorrow. Hutton argues that allowing the market to decide, irrespective of justice and equity, has led to a capitalism that extracts value rather than creates it – leading to an unequal society organised for the benefit of the top 1%. Hutton argues for a wholesale makeover of the state, business and financial systems to create a fairer and more innovative economy in which everyone can flourish.

Hutton is principal of Hertford College, Oxford, a former editor and editor-in-chief of the Observer, and a former chief executive of The Work Foundation. He began his career as economics correspondent at the BBC’s Newsnight and at the Guardian. Hutton is author of many influential books including The State We’re In, The World We’re In and Them and Us: Changing Britain – Why We Need a Fair Society.

Hutton will be introduced by journalist, writer and former editor of the Observer and the South China Morning Post Jonathan Fenby

FT Weekend review of How Good We Can Be