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Will and Tom:  the Life and Times of the Young JMW Turner’

Wednesday 25 March 2015

1 Hour


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}Will and Tom:  the Life and Times of the Young JMW Turner’{/related_entries}



Ticket price

Historical novelist and art historian Matthew Plampin offers a glimpse into the early life of the artist J M W Turner through his latest novel, Will and Tom. Plampin explores Turner’s humble origins, his fervent work ethic and his rivalry with the now obscure artist Tom Girtin. He looks at the character of Turner’s early work, his travels around the country and the friendships and alliances that helped an awkward, secretive and irritable young man emerge as a great artist.

Plampin teaches art history and is also author of a number of historical novels including The Devil’s Acre, The Gun-Maker’s Gift and The Street Philosopher.



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