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Chaired by {related_entries id="evnt_chair"} {/related_entries}

Chronicling the Trials and Challenges of the Jewish People

Saturday 28 March 2015

1 Hour


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}Chronicling the Trials and Challenges of the Jewish People{/related_entries}



Ticket price

Two authors look at the way writers have captured the challenges faced by Jews throughout history including in their own award-winning works of fiction and non-fiction.

Swedish journalist Göran Rosenberg won his country’s August Prize for A Brief Stop on the Road from Auschwitz, the story of his own childhood and his father’s arrival in Sweden in 1947 after surviving the Lodz ghetto in Poland, Auschwitz and the slave camps of the final months of Nazi Germany. It also tells of the deep gulf between the world of a child in an optimistic post-war Sweden and the world of a father haunted by the past.

Swiss novelist Charles Lewinsky’s international bestselling saga of a large Jewish family that goes from quiet respectability in 1871 to the Nazi death camps in 1945, Melnitz, won the prestigious French award, Prix Meilleur Livre Etranger. The story is of five generations of the Swiss-Jewish cattle-dealing Meijer family from the Franco-Prussian war to World War II.

Discussions are chaired by writer Rebecca Abrams.