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A Small Story About the Sky

Saturday 25 March 2017

1 Hour


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Ticket price

Award-winning American poet and writer and Arizona’s first poet laureate Alberto Álvaro Ríos talks about his life and work.

Rios is author of many poetry collections and has been described as ‘a poet of reverie and magical perception’. His most recent poetry collection is A Small Story About the Sky, a series of stories that unfold along the US-Mexican border and that are full of Spanish culture, magical realism and explorations of mortality and humanity.

Rios is Regents Professor of English at Arizona State University, a chancellor of the Academy of American Poets, and Arizona’s inaugural state poet laureate. His poetry, stories and autobiographical work have been extensively published for nearly four decades. Ríos has received the Walt Whitman Award in Poetry, the Western States Book Award for Fiction, and the Latino Literary Hall of Fame Award.

Programme of American literature and culture.