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A Musical Menu: Memories of a Lifetime in Food

Saturday 9 April 2016

1 Hour


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}A Musical Menu: Memories of a Lifetime in Food{/related_entries}



Ticket price

World-renowned cookery writer Claudia Roden talks to the head of Oxford Gastronomica Donald Sloan about her life and career in food. Roden will select six pieces of music that inspire her memories and that will be played at the event.

Roden was born and brought up in Cairo. Her bestselling A Book of Middle Eastern Food revolutionised attitudes to the cuisine of the Middle East when it was published in 1968. Her work has always been characterised by a particular interest in the social and historical background to the food she is writing about and has received great critical acclaim. Other works include Mediterranean Cookery with Claudia Roden, The Food of Spain and The Food of Italy. Roden is winner of many awards, including six Glenfiddich awards, two Andre Simon awards, four World Gourmand awards, the James Beard Best Cookbook of the Year award in the USA, and the National Jewish Book Award in the USA.

A dinner to mark Roden’s 80th birthday and her lifetime contribution to the world of food and culture will be held at Oxford Brookes restaurant on Thursday, and Roden also prepares a citrus-themed menu for a dinner at Worcester College to celebrate the festival’s Italian day on Friday.

Sloan is head of the Oxford School of Hospitality Management at Oxford Brookes University and chair of Oxford Gastronomica, a specialist centre for the study of food, drink and culture that works to enhance our relationship with food and drink and to celebrate their place in our lives.

This session forms part of a series by Oxford Gastronomica, Oxford Brookes University’s centre for the study of food, drink and culture.

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