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Eating your Way to Health and Wellbeing

Saturday 9 April 2016

1 Hour


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}Eating your Way to Health and Wellbeing{/related_entries}



Ticket price

Three advocates of healthy eating, journalist and Vogue contributing editor Calgary Avansino, nutritional health coach Madeleine Shaw, and co-founder of Rude Health Nick Barnard discuss their different approaches to diet and how we can have a healthy relationship with ourselves and our food.

In her new book, Keep it Real: Healthy doesn’t have to be Hard, Avansino argues we should eat more wholefoods, vegetables and plants, limit sugar, cut out processed food and swap out dairy, wheat and animal fat. Shaw argues similarly in Get the Glow and Ready Steady Glow that eating foods that do not contain refined sugar and wheat, combined with thinking positively, can help to heal gut issues and increase vitality.  In his book, Eat Right, Barnard celebrates the traditional and inherited values of using an ever changing seasonal variety of natural ingredients.  All three demonstrate how you can practise what they preach with recipes based on their outlook on diet.

Avansino was raised a vegetarian by health-conscious parents in the United States. She is well known as an advocate of healthy living and argues that having a plant-based diet does not mean waving goodbye to your favourite meals. Shaw was used to waking up feeling bloated and unhealthy because of her diet but a spell helping to run a health café was a revelation.  She began to eat meat and good fats and within a week or two her vitality and health returned. She is now a trained nutritional health coach, food blogger and creative cook. Barnard is an entrepreneur who co-founded the healthy food and drinks company Rude Health and the online pet store petspark.com. he also gives another festival talk on creating a successful ethical business.

here they talk to Donald Sloan, head of the Oxford School of Hospitality Management at Oxford Brookes University and chair of Oxford Gastronomica, the university’s specialist centre for the study of food, drink and culture that works to enhance our relationship with food and drink and to celebrate their place in our lives.

This session forms part of a series by Oxford Gastronomica,



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