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Murder for Tea SOLD OUT

Sunday 10 April 2016

1 Hour


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}Murder for Tea SOLD OUT{/related_entries}



Ticket price

A special whodunit event featuring three women authors, Katherine Woodfine, Robin Stevens and Julia Lee, and their young detectives.

Woodfine’s mystery novels are set in the elegant world of Edwardian England, Lee’s Nancy Parker’s Diary of Detection stars a young housemaid caught up in some murky events in the roaring twenties, while Stevens’ best-selling series Murder Most Unladylike books star schoolgirl sleuths Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong in a series of gripping adventures. Join these three criminal masters for a thrilling session on plotting and solving crimes, and bringing villains to justice. Tea will be served.

Age 10+