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Fathers and Daughters – Shakespeare and Beyond SOLD OUT

Saturday 1 April 2017

1 Hour


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Ticket price

Actor and writer Oliver Ford Davies talks about his new book Shakespeare’s Fathers and Daughters with his daughter Miranda Emmerson – herself the author of a recent debut novel, Miss Treadway and the Field of Stars. The two will talk about the way in which fathers and daughters have shaped each other in the arts.

Ford Davies is an Olivier-winning stage actor, screen actor and writer. He has appeared in more than 30 stage productions, and his notable screen performances include as Sio Bibble in Star Wars and Cressen in Game of Thrones. In Shakespeare’s Fathers and Daughters he explores the playwright’s fascination with father-daughter relationships.

Emmerson has adapted many modern novels for serialisation on BBC radio and has written highly acclaimed dramas. Miss Treadway and the Field of Stars is her first novel. It is about an American actress who goes missing in 1960s London and her dresser who is determined to find out what happened to her.

Discussions are chaired by The Sunday Times children’s books editor Nicolette Jones.