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On Building Imaginary Worlds

Saturday 1 April 2017

45 Minutes


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}On Building Imaginary Worlds{/related_entries}



Ticket price

FT Life & Arts columnist and novelist Nilanjana Roy talks about literary journalism, fiction and the space in between.

Roy looks at the connections between her work as a critic and as a novelist and why, in an age of myriad claims on our attention, literature still matters. What turns a reader into a writer? Has her own fiction changed the way she reads? And how do we make time these days to build a life of the imagination?

Roy is author of the novels, The Wildings and The Hundred Names of Darkness, about a group of telepathic stray cats living among the alleyways and ruins of Delhi’s Nizamuddin quarter. Her journalism and criticism was recently collected in The Girl Who Ate Books, which takes us from a childhood immersed in literature through the highlights of a career reflecting on writers and writing in India and beyond.

This event lasts 45 minutes. Ticketholders will be met in Blackwell Hall, the main open area on the ground floor of the Weston Library, and escorted to the event.