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From Downing Street to the Trenches: First-Hand Accounts from the Great War

Monday 24 March 2014

1 Hour


{related_entries id="evnt_loca"}From Downing Street to the Trenches: First-Hand Accounts from the Great War{/related_entries}



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Mike Webb, of the Bodleian Libraries, looks at the war through the eyes of politicians, soldiers and civilians, centring on the experiences of Oxford alumni whose papers are in the Bodleian. The reactions, beliefs, opinions and arguments of these individuals, expressed in diaries and letters to friends and family, give us a valuable insight into the war as it was perceived at the time, without the interpretations of hindsight or the accumulated wisdom of the last 100 years. The accounts range from the decision-makers in the Cabinet to the soldiers on the front line, and take in the stories of public and private figures at home caught up in the events.

Webb is head of cataloguing of the Western manuscripts section, Bodleian Libraries.