How to Sleep Like a Caveman: Ancient Wisdom for a Better Night’s Rest
Merijn van de Laar
Tuesday, 1 April 2025
1 hour
Department for Continuing Education: Lecture Theatre
£8 - £15
Sleep psychologist Dr Merijn van de Laar says sleep has barely changed since neolithic humans tossed and turned with worries about sabre-toothed tigers and offers solutions to get you sleeping better within three weeks.
Van de Laar says human sleep evolved hundreds of thousands of years ago to suit a hunter-gatherer lifestyle and remains essential for health and wellbeing. He looks at the origins of sleep and at the discrepancies between the needs of our primordial bodies and modern sleep-inhibiting behaviour. Van de Laar says cave dwellers lived in balance with nature and had adapted perfectly to light, temperature and seasonal variations. We need to look to their example and adjust eating, exercise, light, temperature and our expectations towards sleep.
Van de Laar worked for years as a sleep scientist and sleep therapist and is deputy head of the family medicine programme at Maastricht University. He is a frequent guest on TV and radio.