Power of Prions: The Proteins That Can Cause Alzheimer’s and Other Diseases
Michel Brahic talks to
Saturday, 5 April 2025
1 hour
Oxford University Mathematical Institute: Lecture Theatre 3
£8 - £15
Scientist and expert in brain infections Professor Michel Brahic explains recent discoveries about a family of proteins called prions that are being linked with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other diseases.
Brahic says research has revealed the part prions play in memory and immunity and, even more, the part they may have played in the beginning of life on Earth. Most prions are good proteins, but rare bad ones have been linked with mad cow disease and with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Brahic says the latest discoveries are fuelling new searches for drugs to combat these diseases.
Brahic is an expert in viral and prion infections of the brain. He is professeur honoraire at Institut Pasteur in Paris and has been directeur de recherche at CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research) and consulting professor at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Part of the festival’s Voices of Europe Programme and science and health programme.
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