Timothy Garton Ash

Lord Patten Free Speech Conversation: Freedom of Expression is our Lifeblood

Timothy Garton Ash talks to Chris Patten

Monday, 31 March 2025


1 hour

Sheldonian Theatre

£8 - £20

Contemporary historian and Europe expert Professor Timothy Garton Ash discusses his desire for more and better freedom of expression in the first of a new series of annual festival conversation in which a leading figure is invited by Lord Chris Patten to discuss freedom of speech.

Garton Ash has written widely about contemporary Europe including the activities of dictators and dissidents. He also leads the Free Speech Debate project. It recognises that in today’s connected world there has never been such an opportunity to express opinion. Yet, this connectedness has also given opportunities to paedophiles and for threats of violence and gross intrusions into privacy. Garton Ash has argued for a set of principles to govern free speech across the world, set out in his book Free Speech: Ten Principles for a Connected World. He also co-wrote the University of Oxford’s freedom of speech statement, which identifies free speech as the lifeblood of a university.

Garton Ash is Professor of European studies at the University of Oxford, Isaiah Berlin Professorial Fellow at St Antony’s College, Oxford, and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He writes regularly for The Guardian and is author of 11 books including Facts are Subversive: Political Writing from a Decade without a Name and Homelands: A Personal History of Europe. He is a winner of the George Orwell Prize for political writing and the Charlemagne Prize.

Here he talks to Patten, a former chairman of the Conservative Party, former European commissioner, former governor of Hong Kong and former chancellor of the University of Oxford. Patten will invite a new guest each year to talk about freedom of speech. The festival has drawn up its own statement in support of freedom of speech, which commits it to ‘freedom of speech, debate and diversity, maintaining a tradition of courteous dialogue, allowing for contentious and difficult subjects to be publicly discussed and examined’.

University of Oxford European Union Supported by the Delegation of the European Union to the UK Bodleian Libraries Festival cultural partner Oxford Martin School Festival ideas partner Oxford Mathematics Spanish Embassy The Spanish Embassy: supporters of the programme of Spanish literature and culture Spain Arts and Culture Cervantes Institute, London The Cervantes Institute, London elBullifoundation

The Oxford Literary Festival sponsors, donors & partners

The Telegraph Festival media partner University of Oxford European Union Supported by the Delegation of the European Union to the UK Bodleian Libraries Festival cultural partner Oxford Martin School Festival ideas partner Oxford Mathematics Spanish Embassy The Spanish Embassy: supporters of the programme of Spanish literature and culture Spain Arts and Culture Cervantes Institute, London The Cervantes Institute, London elBullifoundation Embassy of Peru Embassy of Peru Embassy of Chile in the UK Embassy of Chile Iberia British Airways Embassy of the Dominican Republic Embassy of the Dominican Republic Institut Ramon Llull Promoting Catalan culture and language worldwide Blackwell’s Festival on-site and online bookseller Sotheby’s Symington Wines of the Douro Valley Compassion in World Farming Pasture to Plate Oxford Business College Where learning meets opportunity: education partners of the festival Old Bank Hotel Five-star hotel partners of The Oxford Collection Old Parsonage Hotel Five-star hotel partners of The Oxford Collection Oxford Brookes University Oxford International Centre for Publishing Gravita Accountants to the festival Confucius Institute Voltaire Foundation Felicity Bryan Associates Goldmoney Properties Princeton University Press Prestige publishing partner. Celebrating 25 years in Europe in 2024 Oxford University Department for Continuing Education Jewish Book Week Partner of Oxford Literary Festival Jim Mellon Miles Young Tim and Marion Stevenson Martin and Elise Becket Smith Ian and Carol Sellars David Isaac Mary and Cecil Quillen Supporters of the programme of American literature and culture Other donors Yale University Press London New College New College founded 1379 Exeter College Exeter College: college home of the festival. Founded 1314 Worcester College Worcester College founded 1714 Lincoln College Lincoln College founded 1427 Trinity College Trinity College founded 1555 Magdalen College Magdalen College founded 1458 Brasenose College Brasenose College founded in 1512 Reuben College Reuben College founded in 2019 Harris Manchester College Harris Manchester College founded 1893 Pusey House Founded 1884 New Dutch Writing Human Ecology Project MACROVegan Bear Ram Elk Festival Digital Strategy & Web Design Racalia Olive Oil Olive oil from Sicily Paul Bloomfield Ltd University of Oxford Alumni Office Alumni Office The Sheldonian Theatre Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies Oxford University Images Oxford University Images CAV Oxford The Litmus Partnership Schoolreaders Science Oxford Windrush Group The Oxford Times BBC Radio Oxford Local radio partner Conference Oxford Ox in a Box OX magazine Africa programme American programme